Are you currently working on a grant proposal and looking for guidance? Here are some helpful tips to ensure your application stands out:
✅Include a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): A UEI is essential for your application to be submitted and reviewed. Obtain a UEI by accessing SAM.gov.
☑️ Keep the audience in mind: Reviewers will base their assessment solely on the information provided in the application. Ensure your application and responses to program requirements are complete, clearly written, and tailored to the review criteria.

🔆Start early: Begin preparing your application well in advance to allow ample time for thorough review and revisions.
☑️Follow instructions carefully: Organize your materials as per the instructions provided. Present information in the prescribed format to facilitate easy review by the evaluators.
✅Be concise and clear: Make each point easily understandable. Provide accurate and honest information, including candid discussions of challenges and realistic solutions. Explain any omissions of required information.
☑️Be organized and logical: Ensure your application flows logically and cohesively. Reviewers should be able to follow your thought process easily.

🔆Use appendices wisely: Avoid duplicating information already included in the main body of the application. Cross-reference all tables and attachments in the appendices to the relevant sections in the application.

✅Proofread meticulously: Eliminate spelling and grammatical errors that could hinder reviewers’ understanding. Number all pages, including appendices, and adhere to page limits. Define abbreviations and acronyms upon first use and periodically throughout the application.
By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your grant proposal standing out and receiving favorable consideration from reviewers. Good luck with your application!
References: SAM.gov and HHS
‼️Have you signed up for my grant writing class/workshop yet. Registration will close on March 8. Go to my bio for link 🔗 or link below 👇🏾https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBbhxyH_MLvU-oW0D6Az-cVLb2-O9ZpFnDAQU3PGYwmtGyyw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0